Tuesday 6 December 2016

Athletis 2016

I sprinted my foot off as I was told to go. I primed myself ready to jump into a pit of sawdust but then I realised I was jumping of the wrong the wrong foot so I quickly switched feet but it was too late. I didn't have enough power in my jump. I barely made it past the 3 mark but I was in shock. A few minuets later... I was back at the front of the line again and I hurled myself towards the pit with all my might. I jumped but I just didn't feel right and basically the same place as before. That was depressing but I hope I will have better luck next year.

Monday 14 November 2016

The World Of Wonders

On Wednesday the16th GRi11 children are hosting a cultural festival aimed at teaching and indulging kids into new cultures such as Indian, German, Italian, etc. We have been planning this since last Thursday so we did not have much time to twiddle our thumbs. I personally have been working on the food so let me explain what I have done in the next paragraph.

So first off we had to plan/argue about which foods we were making so we split up into food groups. Half of which broke apart and joined other groups. I also made a Kahoot© just to make sure people were not just eating the food and learned something as well. I am having to make traditional ginger bread men before tomorrow so I am freaking out because I might not get it done.

I have to cut this post short because I have a lot of work to get done by tomorrow and again if you are relatively interested in gaming check out THIS blog here which is focused entirely on gaming tutorials and updates. In the next paragraph there will be the recipe I am following pasted there

  1. Step 1
    Preheat oven to 180°C. Line 2 large oven trays with baking paper.
  2. Step 2
    Place butter, golden syrup and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil. Remove from heat. Add bicarbonate of soda and stir to combine. Transfer to a large heatproof bowl. Set aside to cool.
  3. Step 3
    Sift flour, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and baking powder over butter mixture. Add the egg and stir until combined. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead until smooth. Divide dough into two portions. Shape each portion into a disc and cover with plastic wrap. Place in the fridge for 45 minutes or until firm.
  4. Step 4
    Roll one portion between 2 sheets of baking paper until 5mm thick. Using a 6-7cm Christmas pastry cutters, cut shapes from dough, re-rolling scraps. Place on the lined trays, 3cm apart to allow for spreading. Repeat with remaining gingerbread portion.
  5. Step 5
    Bake in preheated oven, 1 tray at a time, for 8 minutes or until just firm to touch. Remove from oven and set aside on trays for 5 minutes to cool before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Decorate gingerbread using writing fudge and rainbow choc chips, if desired.

Wednesday 2 November 2016


Hi I'm here to share some facts about Sparta with you so lets skip the intro and hop right in (This is day 1 of the 7 post challenge where it is my homework to do a blog post each day for 7 days).

What is Sparta?

Sparta is an ancient Greek society that has a statue of Ares the war god chained in the heart of Sparta so the spirit of war never left it's inhabitant's. Their symbol was a giant red a for Ares which they put on all their flags, shields and chest plates.

Their battle formations

The Spartans loved their spears so they had at least 3 lines of them at the front. Next in line there were around 7 lines of swordsmen that would break from the group to start a massacre. Then they would have 2 rows of archers. You might wonder why they only have 2 rows and that is because they thought archers were cowards and were weak however they are part of what turns the tide of battle. Also they brought like 5 priests with them for good luck.

All this info and more can be found on wiki and many more websites.

Monday 31 October 2016

What I have been doing.

So I have not been posting for a while and I took it upon myself to catch you up to speed. I have so much more writing I would like to share with the world and have even created my own (as in not owned by my school) entirely based on teaching people some neat tips on video games. *Cough* *Cough* check it out at here *Cough* *Cough* (yes i'm a shameless plug and I admit it). I just can't keep up with my school work and this blog so I didn't post for a while. Whelp enjoy a neat piece of writing formed from the (fake) hieroglyphics that make up my name.

Once upon a time there was a basket full of mouths out in the middle of a forest. There and then came a chick who carried the basket proudly home to it’s mother. The mother then proceeded to eat said basket. The chick was furious because the mother ate the mouths. The chick screamed and kicked a hole in their nest. It was so angry with it’s mother “you wrecked my mouths, now I have to get out of here!” and with that the chick scampered away into the unknown.

He eventually found himself on the streets of Glasgow and gathered an army of abandoned pets aiming at revenge and started a town where he lived like and as a king.

6 long years have passed but the chick never gave up… I king Quacksire shall besiege this nest of horror *king Quacksire stares intensely at his old nest which is empty*. SIEGE BREACH THE GATES! KILL THE MOTHER! *The nest is still empty which he just realised*. Oh… Dang… YAY THEY CEASE TO EXIST!(Celebration Time starts playing for some reason)... Ummm this nest has been empty for 2 years reminds a roaming cat. Ok I didn’t get told, SCOUTS WHY THE HECK HAVE YOU NOT BEEN SAYING THAT IT WAS EMPTY!!!!! Umm we found a typo in your flaw full scouting rules that allows us to just play poker and not scout at all and still get paid. Ohhhhhh I see that. News flash you suck. Worst part is he missed out on eating some mouths.

Then the chick grew restless that they didn’t get to kill his family so he later ordered his guards to kill him and all the civilians. The End… For now...

The king was forced into the universal plain called Limbo where he had his judgement… ...after king Quacksire’s judgement deciding if he goes to Elysium or the Infernal Regions he does in fact go to the Infernal Regions for pointlessly executing an entire civilization. After the stairway opens into a fiery hellish place he enters and after a few seconds he becomes unconscious…

2 Hours later he wakes in a jail cell, bound to a brown brick like substance by iron chains. A familiar voice gets his attention and booms “GET UP YOU LAZY DISAPPOINTMENT”! Mother? He thinks. “YEAH THATS ME YOU FAILURE, QUACKSIRE I AM YOUR MOTHER”! “And i’m here to make your life a pain in the *loud beeping inserted here*, that’s right i’m a prison guard! *Her spear catches fire and a meteorite falls from the sky breaking open the prison. “Damn it why did I do that”? The king makes a run for it and finds his old Army shackled to a whipping post (wait there ghosts how does that work)? Another meteorite falls breaking the army loose, they flee with their lives lagging a mile behind them. They create makeshift weapons out of scrap metal and ashen logs to then lay siege upon the prison with. They marched for about ten minutes because they got lost but they found their way there and initiated war.The battle raged on for hours but both sides never gave up! Fire spurted from the ground and makeshift arrows flew everywhere, hundreds of people consecutively falling but regaining balance. Eventually half of the prison army put down their guard for a bit leaving them open for a banishing spell. The army’s one mage started powering it up while the rest defended him, after a few seconds a blue sphere flew up in the air sucking all but one of the prison guards in. King Quacksire sprinted with all his might towards the one left swinging his morningstar going for a blow to the head but the soldier blocks with ease like it didn’t lose any energy! It swipes it’s spear and array of fire bursts forward knocking them all down. All but king Quacksire shrivel into dust and they both are suddenly standing in an open void. “Do you know who I am and why I am about to do this” a soft voice says? “No and no”.  “Well that’s your own fault” the soldier says again while it thrusts forward it’s spear obliterating the king and turning him into mouths...

Tuesday 20 September 2016

My Calendar Art for 2016!!!!!

Just FYI there was only 1 photo of me not when I was blinking and that was a shot with everyone else in it so I could not change that outcome.

Anyway this is for a calendar art I was making for a calendar I created for school (well obviously).

Thursday 15 September 2016

No tree trouble

Well the world’s count of trees is lowering by the hour so what are we going to do about it.

Firstly there are only roughly two trillion and eight billion trees left it the world so get cracking on growing those trees and or recycling your paper.

Next on the agenda there are benefits of using alternatives to paper because there are created from resources do not lower the oxygen rates (unless you use agri-pulp in which case that is made from recycled paper).

And last but not least the wood you use to create paper has killed animal habitats. That's right, the paper you buy for $5 per 100 pages is killing millions of trees/animal homes.

You could say that paper is cheaper but I say we need to live rather that have luxury items being thrown left right and centre. You could also say that you cannot find alternatives to paper (such as kenaf, hemp bamboo agri-pulp, etc) but I propose you to try make your own. It’s not that hard, you can even learn how on this website.

Well I have to say trees are in danger so get ready to go on a planting spree and set a reminder to try find paper alternatives.

Monday 12 September 2016

Quest For Time :)

Quest for time is a book about people who go back in time and fix fatal flaws empire's had

Chapter 1: Is that a sundial on your wrist?

Oh damn i’m late. Gary I will see to you that you will be fed to Donald Trump. He glances at his watch, he’s confused because it says it’s the year 753 bc. He looks away then back at his watch and it has grown into a fully sized sundial! He drops it and the needle shatters. He looks around and he is in Rome. “Huh”.” A green flash of light appears and here comes Gary. “Well well well he said”. “Look who ran into a wormhole”. “Well I can’t lie to you anymore Xavier, I work for a company that goes back in time to fix problems”. “Today I am here to set up more defences before rome falls”. “Oh”? “Well wanna help make defences”? “Sure Gary”. “Ok just don’t procrastinate”. Ten minutes later after the defence is set up… “Ok the barbarians are coming” Xavier whispered.

Chapter 2 will come soon :)

Thursday 11 August 2016

Venezuela at the olympics

Venezuela is a country is South America that has a population 31,580,713. It’s most popular tourist attraction is Angel Falls standing at 979 metres tall!

Now Venezuela has an interesting environmental issue being constant heat wave. It is a huge pain for everyone really because of the amount of fires this could cause. The heat wave exists because there are only 2 weather seasons hot and dry and hot and wet. At least this is not as bad anywhere else.

Now I have 3 interesting facts for you.

  1. Did you know that Venezuela was named after Venice? Well it was. The discoverer saw native stilt houses in the lake and it reminded him of Venice.

    2. Did you know that because the government subsided in the oil industry Venezuela enjoy the world’s cheapest petrol (about $0.01 a litre)? Of course nobody will be bothered to use card so people just pay with the loose change in their car.

3. Venezuela is a multicultural and multiethnic country made up by immigrants that came from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, the Middle East, Africa and descendants of various indigenous groups.

Now for some interesting facts about the olympics.

Medals won overall: 8 Bronze 2 Silver and 2 Gold.

Medals won in fencing: 1 Gold

Medals won in boxing: 2 Bronze 2 Silver 1 Gold

All the rest of the bronze medals were won in: Taekwondo, Athletics, Shooting, Swimming and WeightLifting

I personally respect Venezuela because they are in underdogs in the olympics and for that alone I would support pretty much anyone

Thursday 28 July 2016

My holiday haiku

A haiku is a poem that consists of 3 lines. Each line is allowed to have 5 syllables except the middle which has 7.

Monday 27 June 2016

I'm In A Fairytale YAY!

As the curtains rise for Act 2 empowerment flows through the stage as the song starts. Our fluent and consistent movements crush our energy like a bug under an anvil. As the dance continues the audience start to think we are weirder and weirder by the minute.

As we end in a robot fashion a whole bunch of girls flood in and say how awesome we were! Afterwards the Town Crier announces the arrival of the following families; The Macaws, The Winters, The Kardashians and The Swifts! Also uhhh... uhhh.... oh Cinderella.

The after concert ball starts with some in-sync moves with the song There’s A Party Here Tonight playing. All this and more is in the play/fairytale 'Cinderella and Rockerfella'. This will be on at the Regent Theatre on Broadway on the 4th and 5th of July 2016 Palmerston North in New Zealand. So get your tickets while they're still available! (If you didn't guess I'm in it).

Tuesday 7 June 2016

GRI11's On The Spotlight (Again)

In GRi11 2.0 (Standing for Gordon Robertson Ten And Eleven - our teacher's surnames and the class numbers) the double class wonder, we should have more space than other classes seen as we have 2 of basically anything they have right? Well if I'm asking the question you probably know the answer is yes and we do. Today I will tell you about my favourite part of GRI11 2.0 the many many spaces. First off the total number of spaces is 4 (five if you count the outdoors we have access to) which means that we first off are obviously a bigger class than all the others with 58 students in it and that also means that we take longer to do the roll, form lines and hold the most places in them for whole school things. Extra spaces within the spaces is key for this class to run. Which reminds me, I have to get on with finishing fast track (where we say and prove what work we have done) so I'll see you later and bye!

Monday 30 May 2016

My name in finger spelling

This is my name in finger spelling!!!!!
I was made do this for school purpose's.
I got this good at signing my name because my mum.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

My 4th Minecraft Server (YAY)

As I was watching the hobbit I thought that maybe Minecraft could get another seige server about Lord of the Rings. So I decided that me and Ruan would make a modded server about that. I hope this time my server won’t run out of memory, get shut down for a better server or glitch between MC versions. This server will be a Lord Of The Rings server featuring quests to gain money and faction points (the better you have the more troops you can hire). If you choose to be good you will be building Helms Deep and slaying dragons for money and if you want to be a bad guy you mine for materials and fight in the arena for money. And before you ask yes you can hire troops and buy things like armour, weapons, battering rams and moving catapults. The I.P will be announced in several places including our own modpack website so stay tuned for that. Anyway you just have to wait for that. Also watch my youtube channel youtube.com/minekillz13 for great content and stay tuned for more videos and blog content

Wednesday 11 May 2016


For those wondering TTS means traditional teaching style and CSI stand's for Colour Symbol Image and it is where you express an aftermath sort of thing with a colour a symbol and an image.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Pick A Path (The Hunger Games)

For extra atmosphere play epic music in the background. Also choose using the arrows on the main screen rather that the bottom arrows.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Sport's rotation

Hello everyone this is Scott and I will share what my class does on Tuesday. It is called sports rotation and it is when the double classes split into 2 and all of the Senior syndacate goes off and gets coached how to do different sports. So this is my favorate sport I do and why, Badmenton.

Badmenton is One of the best sports because there aren't many good sports that I like. another reason is that I am used to sports where I hit things with other things so I was decent at doing it. One last thing about Badminton, It was one of the first sports I learned so I was more attuned to it.

Anyway guys I am done gloating about how great my school is and leave.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Pokemon pre-release recap

My Pokemon pre-release gave me trash. As you may have guessed I went to the Pokemon fates collide pre-release and this is a recap of what happened.

I just finished opening the booster packs and the best I got was a Mega Alteria EX. Unusable as ever and trash. So I built my deck of rag-tag Larvitar and Zygard then went to battle with James. I then lost (yeah I lost to my best friend but he had help from the best player from league).

Anyway Round 2 started and I found that I got a card worth more than the Mega Alteria. It was a reverse holographic Mew. Also I lost that round too (both games).

It was Round 3 when I started to think this is rigged but I knew it wasn't ( I lost if you didn't guess).

Round 4 gave me a win at least but lost the second round.

The packs at the end got me an Alteria EX and more trash.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Swimming Sports

I stepped up onto the diving block. Ready Mr Smith Yelled. My legs went into position. Get Set GO. My legs jolted forword launching me forword into the water.

Friday 1 April 2016

Weet-Bix triathlon experience

I hopped in the pool. My heart skipped a beat. We all charged forward in the water as the horn blew. I pulsed along swiftly and I touched the wall of the end. I splashed my way to the end and I ran out to the bike. As soon as I got to my bike I took my cap off and then my shirt on along with my helmet following after. I ran towards the place to hop on the bike and jumped on with ease.

I speed towards the gates to the road. From there I didn't dare bike block just for safety reasons. My bike sprinted along the roadside with nothing wrong with it. I switched to gear 12 and passed a few people. My body sensed danger as I passed a couple more and the ones I passed earlier passed as well but I speed up and took over 1 more.

(Fast forward to the hill)
My bike climbed up the hill and I got off and ran downwards (because I had to) then got back on to become neck and neck with my friend Lachlan and I drill past to the transition zone.

I drop my bike and my helmet and I charge to the run. My lungs fill with air and deplete so quickly that I try my hardest to not faint. I pass then get passed and soon enough I will be at the end. Just one more stretch I told myself though I knew I was lying. finally I saw the end and I breezed through it.

5 minuets later after the photos, etc.
The prizes are being drawn. number 1 not me, number 2 not me, number 3 not me, number 4 not me, number 5 not me, number 6 not me, number 7 not me, number 8 not me, number 9 not me and number 10 not me. Darn no prize. Oh well possibly next year. best and first Weet-bix ever.

What Is The Best Minecraft Server For Me

Hello people today I will tell you what the best minecraft server's are. just a refresher for you people that don't know what minecraft is it is a game where everything is made of blocks and you survive in a world of madness and non realism with only 1 goal in mind. To survive. Unlike single player some servers made "Mini Games" where they make public servers, advertise them and make money off the donations. Now here is the scoring system. Coal is the same as 1 and emerald is the same as 5 with iron gold and diamond as 2, 3 and 4.

 First I will start with one I don't usually play on (all server I.P's will be on any popular server advertising website). It's name is Ghastcraft and is pretty bad. I have to admit it is an unfinished server that no-one plays on so I have to give it a coal.

 Next up is a server called Xerian gaming. It is a survival server that is not too popular and is based off a youtube channel that has recently hit 1 million subscribers. I will be kind and give it an iron because it used to be full slots all the time and has now been replaced with another server called minecraft kingdoms.

 For people that like the hunger games The Nexus is a good server for that and a few minigames. The server is based off of the youtubers pitzahutt, Jeromeasf, Bajincannadian and woofles. For the ammount of youtubers you can meet on the server I give it a gold.

 Back to mini game servers we have Mineplex a great server that has a variety of mini games that are very neat. I however have something better to do with my day than play super smash blocks and bridges so i'll give it a gold.

Now for the finally it is... Hypixel!!!!! It is an amazing server with SO many mini games I love including warlord's! Overall it is a great server that deserves much more credit so emerald for that.

Well thank you for reading this blogpost and this was my ratings on minecraft servers. just note personal opinion is at work here so you can make your judgements on the servers.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Caption and photo for the best place to learn in my class for me.

The Learning Train is ready to leave the station.

Describing my favourite place to learn

Hello Scott G here and I am here to describe the best place for me to learn in my class. Please note in this classroom we get to learn about what we want when we want (from a list that the teachers devise ). It is a place between the classes and most of the time there is a lot  of commotion but sometimes it is quiet. It has a few places to work on stationed computers and moveable computers are stored. A fun fact is it was the first area named in the classroom! It is quite famous and it is that for being a hall. It has many power points with a mess of wires in them. Oh and it is called η αίθουσα του Hame AKA The hall of fame.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

2016 Camp at Sixtus Lodge Highlight.

As we walked through the gates bored from the last activity Hugo and 2 horses greeted me. "Choose to ride Herculies if you like a slow steady pace." Hugo Said. No no I want a fast horse I told him. "Ok then ride that horse there." Hugo said back. Let's see that horse is... Gerald (Fast forword to after the girls turn.)

 I slowly mounted Gerald and gripped the reins tightly. Then he started moving forward. I patted him and he twitched in return. My guide told me that he has a twitching problem and he can't help it. I told him "Stop twitching uncontrollably." We got to the end of the walk and we went on the obstical course. He weaved through the the sticks so I could pick up the rusted can and dump it on the other end. Then we weaved the barrels and walked onto the plank of wood. Then by natural instincts he walked back to his part of the fence.

This made me want to get back into horse riding lessons

(Note: this actually happened and no horses were injured.)

Now here's me feeding Gerald!