Thursday 11 August 2016

Venezuela at the olympics

Venezuela is a country is South America that has a population 31,580,713. It’s most popular tourist attraction is Angel Falls standing at 979 metres tall!

Now Venezuela has an interesting environmental issue being constant heat wave. It is a huge pain for everyone really because of the amount of fires this could cause. The heat wave exists because there are only 2 weather seasons hot and dry and hot and wet. At least this is not as bad anywhere else.

Now I have 3 interesting facts for you.

  1. Did you know that Venezuela was named after Venice? Well it was. The discoverer saw native stilt houses in the lake and it reminded him of Venice.

    2. Did you know that because the government subsided in the oil industry Venezuela enjoy the world’s cheapest petrol (about $0.01 a litre)? Of course nobody will be bothered to use card so people just pay with the loose change in their car.

3. Venezuela is a multicultural and multiethnic country made up by immigrants that came from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, the Middle East, Africa and descendants of various indigenous groups.

Now for some interesting facts about the olympics.

Medals won overall: 8 Bronze 2 Silver and 2 Gold.

Medals won in fencing: 1 Gold

Medals won in boxing: 2 Bronze 2 Silver 1 Gold

All the rest of the bronze medals were won in: Taekwondo, Athletics, Shooting, Swimming and WeightLifting

I personally respect Venezuela because they are in underdogs in the olympics and for that alone I would support pretty much anyone

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