Monday 31 October 2016

What I have been doing.

So I have not been posting for a while and I took it upon myself to catch you up to speed. I have so much more writing I would like to share with the world and have even created my own (as in not owned by my school) entirely based on teaching people some neat tips on video games. *Cough* *Cough* check it out at here *Cough* *Cough* (yes i'm a shameless plug and I admit it). I just can't keep up with my school work and this blog so I didn't post for a while. Whelp enjoy a neat piece of writing formed from the (fake) hieroglyphics that make up my name.

Once upon a time there was a basket full of mouths out in the middle of a forest. There and then came a chick who carried the basket proudly home to it’s mother. The mother then proceeded to eat said basket. The chick was furious because the mother ate the mouths. The chick screamed and kicked a hole in their nest. It was so angry with it’s mother “you wrecked my mouths, now I have to get out of here!” and with that the chick scampered away into the unknown.

He eventually found himself on the streets of Glasgow and gathered an army of abandoned pets aiming at revenge and started a town where he lived like and as a king.

6 long years have passed but the chick never gave up… I king Quacksire shall besiege this nest of horror *king Quacksire stares intensely at his old nest which is empty*. SIEGE BREACH THE GATES! KILL THE MOTHER! *The nest is still empty which he just realised*. Oh… Dang… YAY THEY CEASE TO EXIST!(Celebration Time starts playing for some reason)... Ummm this nest has been empty for 2 years reminds a roaming cat. Ok I didn’t get told, SCOUTS WHY THE HECK HAVE YOU NOT BEEN SAYING THAT IT WAS EMPTY!!!!! Umm we found a typo in your flaw full scouting rules that allows us to just play poker and not scout at all and still get paid. Ohhhhhh I see that. News flash you suck. Worst part is he missed out on eating some mouths.

Then the chick grew restless that they didn’t get to kill his family so he later ordered his guards to kill him and all the civilians. The End… For now...

The king was forced into the universal plain called Limbo where he had his judgement… ...after king Quacksire’s judgement deciding if he goes to Elysium or the Infernal Regions he does in fact go to the Infernal Regions for pointlessly executing an entire civilization. After the stairway opens into a fiery hellish place he enters and after a few seconds he becomes unconscious…

2 Hours later he wakes in a jail cell, bound to a brown brick like substance by iron chains. A familiar voice gets his attention and booms “GET UP YOU LAZY DISAPPOINTMENT”! Mother? He thinks. “YEAH THATS ME YOU FAILURE, QUACKSIRE I AM YOUR MOTHER”! “And i’m here to make your life a pain in the *loud beeping inserted here*, that’s right i’m a prison guard! *Her spear catches fire and a meteorite falls from the sky breaking open the prison. “Damn it why did I do that”? The king makes a run for it and finds his old Army shackled to a whipping post (wait there ghosts how does that work)? Another meteorite falls breaking the army loose, they flee with their lives lagging a mile behind them. They create makeshift weapons out of scrap metal and ashen logs to then lay siege upon the prison with. They marched for about ten minutes because they got lost but they found their way there and initiated war.The battle raged on for hours but both sides never gave up! Fire spurted from the ground and makeshift arrows flew everywhere, hundreds of people consecutively falling but regaining balance. Eventually half of the prison army put down their guard for a bit leaving them open for a banishing spell. The army’s one mage started powering it up while the rest defended him, after a few seconds a blue sphere flew up in the air sucking all but one of the prison guards in. King Quacksire sprinted with all his might towards the one left swinging his morningstar going for a blow to the head but the soldier blocks with ease like it didn’t lose any energy! It swipes it’s spear and array of fire bursts forward knocking them all down. All but king Quacksire shrivel into dust and they both are suddenly standing in an open void. “Do you know who I am and why I am about to do this” a soft voice says? “No and no”.  “Well that’s your own fault” the soldier says again while it thrusts forward it’s spear obliterating the king and turning him into mouths...