Well the world’s count of trees is lowering by the hour so what are we going to do about it.
Firstly there are only roughly two trillion and eight billion trees left it the world so get cracking on growing those trees and or recycling your paper.
Next on the agenda there are benefits of using alternatives to paper because there are created from resources do not lower the oxygen rates (unless you use agri-pulp in which case that is made from recycled paper).
And last but not least the wood you use to create paper has killed animal habitats. That's right, the paper you buy for $5 per 100 pages is killing millions of trees/animal homes.
You could say that paper is cheaper but I say we need to live rather that have luxury items being thrown left right and centre. You could also say that you cannot find alternatives to paper (such as kenaf, hemp bamboo agri-pulp, etc) but I propose you to try make your own. It’s not that hard, you can even learn how on this website.
Well I have to say trees are in danger so get ready to go on a planting spree and set a reminder to try find paper alternatives.